Research hit a brick wall?
Let's bust that wall!

Don't know what to do next for a tough genealogy problem? We've simplified the two key skills and walk you through them with this printable kit.

Keep all the vital details at your fingertips with the Brick Wall Solution Research Binder kit.

The genealogy research binder system designed just for brick walls!

What's included for $9?

  • Over 20 pages of print-at-home organizing forms and information.
  • A method to organize a brick wall (one project) so you can make progress.
  • Forms for note-taking, planning, and easy correlation.
  • Simple checklist to walk you through the steps of creating your Brick Wall Solution Research Binder.

How Will a Binder Help? Is This a Physical Binder? What if I don't like binders?

The Research Binder is a printable PDF. It is designed so you can print it and put the pages in a binder or simply use the pages loose.

There's space to handwrite on the forms or you can type into the PDF file. This allows you to work on your binder on paper while looking at your sources on your computer or use two devices (i.e. no more switching back and forth on one screen!).

Copying the information to your binder forms forces you to review what you've found and think about it more carefully than when you just look at your family tree.

The Research Binder is an organization method but it was also designed to help you with the first steps in "correlation," a type of genealogical analysis. This is a vital genealogy skill that sounds fancy but is easy to get started. 

By correlating the information you already have (plus new information you find) you see your research differently, and hopefully find clues or even the solution!

The BWS Research Binder will help you organize+analyze. 

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Also need to learn to answer "Is this source correct?"

Add the digital Source Evaluation Workbook!

Only $9!

  • Total payment
  • 1xBWS Research Binder$9

All prices in USD
